Børge Bredenbekk

Workhorse I

This working horse is a symbol of strength and effort, blood sweat and tears (if horses have those?). Børge Bredenbekk is inspired by early century social realism and a love for manual labour and explorations in masculinity.

These prints are made using hand carved linoleum blocks.
Printed in two editions of 20 on Hahnemuhle cotton paper 150g and beige Japanese washi paper 110g.
Printed with a hand-operated etching press by the artist.
Made without solvents or harsh chemicals on 100% natural cotton paper.
Each print is handmade and unique – color density and details will vary.

kr 1.500,00

3 in stock


Børge Bredenbekk: Workhorse I

Hand carved linocut, inked and printed by hand on Hahnemuhle 150 g cotton paper
Motif: 21 x 28 cm
Paper: 35 x 45cm
Edition: 20
Signed and numbered

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The Relief Fund for Visual Artists (5% tax)


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