Free Comic Book Day celebrates it´s 15th Anniversary Saturday May 7, 2016, and we encourage art and book lovers to use the day as an opportunity to explore their local comic book shop, seeing all it has to offer. We also encourage everybody to take a look at the works of our fantastic artists; Børge Lund (Lunch), Sindre Goksøyr and Lars Fiske – and not the least; Ronald Kabíček, Endre Skandfer and Bjarte Agdestein, our supercool Krüger & Krogh gang!
On May 7 Comic book shops around the world will give out millions of comic books, free of charge. This annual event is one of the most anticipated comic book celebrations of the year as retailers prepare to welcome curious, first
-time comic readers and devout comic book fans into their stores for fun events and free comics.
Free Comic Book Day is a perfect occasion for newcomers to comics as well as those who have been reading them for years to celebrate comics and discover new titles that debut on the first Saturday in May!