Krüger & Krogh: Spøkelseståken (Ghost Fog) page 22
kr 7.000,00 -
Krüger & Krogh: Spøkelseståken (Ghost Fog) page 23
kr 7.000,00 -
Krüger & Krogh: Spøkelseståken (Ghost Fog) page 29
kr 7.000,00 -
Krüger & Krogh: Spøkelseståken (Ghost Fog) page 36
kr 7.000,00 -
Grosz Dekadense (Grosz Decadense) p. 41
kr 15.000,00 -
Matje Feltpoeten (Matje the Field Poet)
kr 15.000,00 -
Mingus i Tijuana (Mingus in Tijuana)
kr 15.000,00 -
Merz Dada
kr 15.000,00 -
Spectres of Absence IV
kr 14.000,00 -
Furled Polyglot #5
kr 38.000,00 -
Furled Polyglot #6
kr 38.000,00 -
Pierced Polyglot #1
kr 21.700,00 -
Sliced Polyglot #2
kr 81.200,00 -
Sliced Polyglot #4
kr 38.000,00 -
Sliced Polyglot #5
kr 43.300,00 -
Sliced Polyglot #7
kr 81.200,00 -
Sliced Polyglot #8
kr 38.000,00 -
Specters of Absence V
kr 14.000,00 -
Untitled Green
kr 9.000,00 -
Untitled Pink
kr 9.000,00 -
Untitled Silver
kr 9.000,00 -
Inside – Outside
kr 26.000,00 -
kr 38.000,00 -
kr 26.000,00 -
Embrodery Foldings III
kr 30.000,00 -
Embrodery Foldings IV
kr 18.000,00 -
Embrodery Foldings V
kr 30.000,00 -
Foldings: Roses IV
kr 30.000,00 -
Foldings: Roses V
kr 30.000,00 -
Foldings: Roses VI
kr 30.000,00 -
Foldings: Roses VII
kr 55.000,00 -
House Abandoned II
kr 28.000,00 -
House Abandoned III
kr 18.000,00 -
House Abandoned IV
kr 28.000,00 -
Occurrence I
kr 14.000,00 -
BPO page 25, version 2
kr 9.500,00 -
BPO page 25, version 1
kr 9.500,00 -
BPO page 1, 1/2 side
kr 4.500,00 -
The Graveyard
kr 6.200,00 -
BPO Page 23, version 2
kr 9.500,00 -
Escalate #5
kr 9.500,00 -
Yellow Lit
kr 65.000,00 -
kr 42.000,00 -
Black Lit
kr 65.000,00 -
kr 42.000,00 -
Loose Ends
kr 120.000,00 -
Behind the Layers, You Will Maybe Find the Surface
kr 72.000,00 -
kr 14.000,00